Nunca Estamos a Sós

Nunca Estamos a Sós
Leia um pouco e acalme seu coração, a vida é simples e bela nas formas mais simples.

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sexta-feira, 25 de dezembro de 2015

Have you ever felt aimless and hopeless?

Have you ever felt aimless and hopeless?
Have you ever been running in circles without going anywhere? Have you ever wondered how God expects you to win in this
life? You may feel that God will take you to
heaven someday, but at present, feels as if he had left on their own to win here on this earth. Welcome to the row that
feels the same
way. Even believers in Jesus Christ feel that way from time to time.
Sometimes just the effort to be successful in life seems to become our purpose. For a mother you can be to educate their
children in the Presence of God,
feed them and care for them. To his wife this may be the search for intimacy and security with her husband, the search
for a relationship of give and take. To
man, this often means trying to provide for his family and trying to find meaning in his own life; he wants to be
admired. For
the young it can mean the meeting of his place in life, your occupation and your spouse. Often overcoming life's problems
seem to
make our purpose. But when these problems are resolved, it happens to feel empty and without further purpose, or if they
are not solved, we feel
discouraged and hopeless.
What's the answer? Surrender to Jesus completely!
If we are as Galatians 2:20 says, crucified with Christ, and Christ is living His life in us, then we will not feel good
unless our purpose is the
God's purpose. Surrender completely to Him, and ask Him to fulfill His purpose for you is the only thing that will bring
peace to your life. The Bible says that His
purpose was
completed, finished and established before the world began. He has a specific purpose only to his life. He wants you to
be full and have your
needs met, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
Invitation: Church Christian Maranata- abroad. I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go to the house of the LORD.
Psalm 122: 1
Hours of worship: Monday to Thursday 20:00; Saturday at 19:30;
Sunday worship and Sunday school at 10:30 and worship at 19:30 h.
Convite: Igreja Crista Maranata - Brasil. Alegrei-me quando me disseram: Vamos á casa do SENHOR. Salmos 122:1
Horários dos cultos: de Segunda a Quinta às 20:00 h; Sábado às 19:30 h;
Domingos, culto e escola dominical às 10:30 h e culto às 19:30 h.

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